
Fay's Findings.


Especially For You!

haha yeah. Thats right. Okay, EFY really stands for Especially For Youth. But I changed, for special purposes.

So, I got home from EFY on Saturday. I don't know why I haven't posted yet...but I'm finally getting around to it. Just for you Nick. Just for you.

So. In case you don't know what EFY IS. Its a week long camp. Not like, camp camp. We stay in dorms. Last year, I went to the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma Washington. This year, I went to BYU in Provo. I liked Tacoma better. It was smaller. There were only about 400 people there. This year, i had 1300 people in my session. It was ridiculous. But it was still wonderful.

I went with Katie Walkingshaw. She had never been before. It really was amazing. I probably bugged the crap out of her with my last night babbling. But she really was such a wonderful roommate. I freaking love her more than I did before. It was amazing to learn and grow with her. I got to know her better, and it was rad.

SO. Monday was check in. BYU is huge, and confusing. But we figured it out. My company name was No Man Knoweth. There were 18 guys and 22 girls. Last year, i had 18 total. haha. I met some really cool people. Maybe i'll put some pictures up later. We we met with out company and stuff, played games, ate food, the works. It was really fun.

Tuesday was super rad. Classes started that day. There were 8 teachers, and they each taught 4 classes for 2 days. There were some really good talks. There were also some very lame ones. lol. But I won't get into detail of all the talks. But the spirit was so strong in all those classes, it was amazing. I really learned a lot. And it seemed like all the teachers really understood teenagers, and it was nice.
That night there was a dance. Casual dress. I don't think any of you have a right to complain at a region dance about being hot. I was in a dance with thirteen HUNDRED people. It was absolutely insane. But I danced with some really cut boys, and got a really good workout. hahaha. I don't think i've gotten THAT into the boot scoot'n boogy in a long time. They make the girls and guys go home at different times. I'm not sure why. Maybe they think we're going to sneak off and make out? I'm not sure. When I got back to the dorms I was SO tired. wow. I woke up at 5 that morning to run. I was planning on doing that every morning. I only did it once, cause I was so tired. But I got a good 20 minutes of stairs. But still, I was beat. So, we had evening devotional, and went to sleep. We did synchronized lights-out, and it looked so cool!

Wednesday, there were classes again. I went to one of the best ones I've EVER been to. Sister Jones, wow. She's an amazing speaker. Before each of her classes, there was a mob outside, waiting to get in. People were getting hurt. I got in to her last class, and it really was amazing. Maybe I'll blog about what she talked about. I took good notes.
That night was games night. It was pretty much amazing. We had the cheer off, and I was like, the leader I guess. We took primary songs, and just stuck our name in. "I looked out the window and what did I see?! uhh..... No Man Knoweth!" and stuff. My calling in life is to be a Primary Chorister. haha. I was kicks and giggles. And I met a super hot kid in Creeping Things (another company). I was going to take a picture, but It was too dark. Oh well.

Wednesday night is pizza night. We ordered like, 5 pizzas. I ate more than any of the other girls. haha. It was pro. I can eat SO much, its ridiculous. And we got a video camera, and had a little walkway, and did a fashion show. It was pretty funny. I wanted to do the limbo, but we couldn't find a stick. It was SUCH a fun night.

Thursday is spiritual day. You wear sunday clothes all day. I wore my sparkly, spinny skirt. It was fun. But I hate not having pockets. So I wore my orange gym shorts underneath. So people would randomly see me lift my skirt up to get something out of my pockets. It was pretty funny. Hahaha. I was highly entertained, at least.

So, they separate the guys and the girls. We went to a devotional about womanhood and such. It really was amazing. Then we went and did an activity with the just the girls. We had the opportunity to turn in questions all week, and we had a panel that answered them all for us. There were some serious ones, and some funny ones. Like..."Is holding hands okay?" and "how do you make things less akward between you and the opposite sex?". The counselors are hilarious, and it was pretty good.
Next was the Variety Show. Like a talent show, but you don't necissarily have to be good. You just have to be different. It started out with a guy playing some instrument with his nose.... haha. yeah. I was going to take my violin, and fiddle, but I didn't. I wish I would have.

Thursday was Testimony meeting. It really was so amazing. I can't even describe it. I'm not a crier, but I was crying. The spirit was so strong. Last year, testimony meeting, at EFY was when I first REALLY gained a testimony. I'm not going to type out my testimony, But I'll let you all know that I KNOW this church is true. Theres nothing that could happen that would make me deny that. Its too wonderful not to be true. It makes too much sense not to be true. It makes me too happy not to be true. It was a wonderful night.

Friday was pretty much amazing. By Friday, you're friends with everything, so you just goof off. The Morning devotional was on dating and stuff. IT was prety hilarious. It was about "Satans Slippery Slide" and like, how far is okay to go with the opposite sex...but he did it in a way that was highly amusing, and very funny. It was pretty cool.

We did a service project. We tied fleece blankets. It was fun. haha. Not too exciting though.

The dance that night was AMAZING. wow. It seemed like it was a billion hours long, yet not too long. They played amazing music that you could really shake your groove thing to. haha. And just the right number of slow songs. It was nice to be with that many youth who all danced cleanly, and share your standards. huzzah.

Saturday was sad, I didn't want to go. I got email addresses and such. We went to the creamery on the campus one last time. And then I came home. haha.

The end.

okay, not really. That week was so amazing. It really helped me to re-analyze my life. I was doing a lot of stuff wrong. I'm really working on it all. Life is amazing, I don't understand why I didn't see it all before. This church is amazing. I'm not kidding. This church makes me love life. It makes me who I am. This church IS what I am. I'm a daughter of god. He loves me. He KNOWS me. ME. Thats huge.

okay, now its really the end.


a depressing point of view

i just realized something. every relationship i will EVER be in will fail. besides one.


Is that your final answer?

I had two people ask me questions. okayreadygo.

1) why'd you run for junior president?
I ran because I don't like the way Sehe ran things this year. And no one else was stepping up to do the job.

2) if you could go to the moon, would you?
No, I don't think I would. Well, right now. I think it would be really cool to see, but its not some huige goal in my life. haha. But i think it would be really cool to do it some day. But right now, probably not.

3)Who's your favorite teacher?
my favorite teacher ever would have to be Mr. Webster. He was amazing. I don't even think i can come up with the words to describe him. But other than that, it would have to be Doc. For sure. He's just an amazing man. He's an incredible musicial, and amazing at teaching. He understands the students. He's just fabulous.

4) What do you wanan be when you grow up?
When I grow up, I want to be amazing. I want to be one of those moms that all the kids in the neighborhood loves. I might want to be a high school english teacher, it just depends on how far I get in my education, and if its needed.

5) If you could give one piece of advice to your generation, what would it be and why?
"Don't be stupid. Prioritize your life." Because people are just so stupid. They don't realize that school really IS more important than video games. They don't realize that girls aren't that important right now. They're just stupid.

6) Why do you write?
I write because its easier that just talking. I can edit. I can revise. I can rethink. And I can write it, and not actually share it. I write because writing is the basis of my life. I create who I am through writing.

7) Cage match, Peck vs. MJ, who wins?
Freaking Peck. No question.

8) Would you trade your mountains of friends for a few good friends?
Yeah, I think I would. Now, I don't think I have a mountain of friends. But I've always wanted that really close knit group that does everything together. But it never happened. This is how my life if turning out, and I'm just enjoying what gets thrown at me. I'll never turn a friend away.

9) If given the opportunity to get in a serious relationship now, would you take it?
Heck. No.

10) Given the opportunity, cheat for the A, or take the A- honestly?
It depends on what it is. If its like, some gay crossword that I didnt do and its the difference in the grade, I'd take the A. Because i mean, that crossword really isn't going to teach me anything. But if it was some huge test or something, and I really didn't understand it because I'm a slacker, I'd take the A-. In my mind, i'll cheat on something if I wouldn't learn from it otherwise.

11) What's more important to you, success, or virtue?
Definitely virtue. I've made a new goal to myself actually to never let anything get in the way of my standards. This year, I skipped mutual sometimes to get homework done and stuff. But I'm not gonna let that happen. Even if other people have good reasons, I'm not gonna let anyone bring me down anymore.

12) If you had a bike, would you ride it, or would it just sit in the garage?
I definitely do not have a bike. And thats beacuse I probably wouldn't ride it. Thats one of the reasons I joined the track team actually. I had a bike once when I was like, 5. But right now, if I had one, i actually do think I'd ride it.

What are your goals for after high school?
Hmm...that seems to be a common question these days. I'd like to go to college, with at least my Freshmen year done. I don't think I'll be like some of those crazy kids and already have my associates...haha. I'd love to go to BYU, but I might go somewhere out of state. I'd love to major in english, with a minor in something musical. Maybe piano accompaniment or something. Music theory? I'm not all the way sure yet.

If you had to describe your perfect soul mate, how would you do it?
In on sentence: Some one I can grocery shop with.
in more detail: Someone who can lift me up. in every way. Spiritually, intellectually, physically, emotionally.

What's better, violin or piano?
Violin. Too many people play the piano, and it gets more critisicm. its harder to excel. And with the violin, its easier to express myself. Its like, i absolutely love to play the piano, but when I play the violin, life is just better. I feel happy. Its just so wonderful.

Why aren't you going on GYS summer tour?Seriously, why not?
money. and I just don't have very many friends in there. I don't think I'd enjoy myself. AND I'm just a violinist. There's about a billion of us. If I don't come, no one is going to care.actually, everyone would probably rather me NOT come. the end.

Do you or do you not think Mr. Rockwell is completely amazing. That is, if you're taking AP US history. And if you have Mr. Rockwell.
Yes, yes I am taking it. And yes, yes i do have him. And I really don't know enough to make that judgement. But I think it's going to be my kind of class. The kind that you take from it what you CHOOSE to take from it. I'm excited about it.

If you had to choose between learning all the secrets of the universe, then dying, and living, what would you choose?
I'd definitely choose to live. In my religion, life is all about learning. The whole point of this planet, this life, this body, is to learn. I'll learn everything I need to know eventually. Either in this life, or after I die, it'll all come. So i'd rather live life, cause thats what its for!

Let me rephrase the question in my other comment: What drives you in life?
What drives me...thats tough. I can't think of anything but just myself. My standards. My knowledge. My passion. I live for me. I do MY best, and not what anyone else expects of me. I drive myself.

What made you want to blog again?
Because all the cool kids do. haha. Just kiddin. Its because....i love to write. And because I finally thought of things to blog about. I stopped when life got boring.

How come you think so lowly of yourself?
I always have. Its just how I am. I have really bad depression. It runs in my family. But i've never had high self esteem. Ever. I've never really even had ANY self esteem, yet alone HIGH self esteem. Its just how I am.