
Fay's Findings.


My News

So I've been insanely tired lately. Not just the...i hate school i don't want to go kind of tired. Its like, I can't do anything besides sleep. Nothing seems better than sleep. Its really been interferring with my life.

Turns out there's a reason.

I have a "whopping case of mono."

I've had it for over a month now, so they don't think its contagious anymore. But it'll be prevalent for another two to four weeks.

I got off easy, apparently. Sometimes, mono makes one really really sick. Jes Wilson, for example. She was in the hospital, lost about 30 lbs. Robert got super sick last year when he had it too. But I'm just absurdly tired.

I never understood robert when he said "I can't wake up." You just open your eyes, and get out of bed. Its not that hard. But I completely understand it now. I literally CAN'T sometimes.

I do have a doctor's note that will get me out of virtually anything. Its going to excuse all my 1st period tardies for the last month, and for the next few weeks. And if I can't make it to something at night or after school or something, I'm excused. I'm not going to take advantage of it, though I thoroughly could. Its just nice to know what it is. I wanted to tests to come back negative, but its nice to just...know. Now at least people can't just accuse me of being lazy. I have a legit reason.

Well, thats my saga. All I do is sleep. I'm behind in all my classes, because I just sleep. My priorities have changed, because sleep has become more important. Its terrible.

The end. :)


At Sun Mar 23, 04:38:00 PM 2008, Blogger Nick said...

Hooblay? Well. At least you'll get over it eventually. And at least tardies = excused. Sleep's never been terribly important to me. I just don't really need a lot of it. Anyway.


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