
Fay's Findings.


First Day

well, high school has officially begun. I think i'm gonna like it. Lots of new people, and lots of new opportunities. Harder classes, and more thinking. I'm really excited. I think its going to be hard, but oh so fun. I love to learn. I'm wayyy excited for English. Despite 3 not-so-good teachers, its still my favorite subject. I'm excited for some of the book we're going to read, and stuff.

Well, thats it. I'll post more later.


The summer.

well, summer is closing to an end. It was a changing summer for me. Making the transition into high school has been good for me, because its given me a chance for a new start. Here are some of the things I did this summer:

girls camp
Youth conference
EFY (first time alone on a plane!)
made a ton of new friends
about a billion movie nights caught by the cops....long story..:D
Gained about 10 pounds.
didnt go running, and realized my leg injuries are probably worse than i thought.
didnt practice my violin
practiced my piano a LOT.
I got more comforatable with myself.
I didn't go swimming too much, but still managed to get sunburned about once a week.
Read some way good books.
Became a HTML pro.
Went to Idaho.
Sorted out my guy issuses...kindof.
I got closer to Robert
I gained respect for a lot of people, and lost a lot of respect for alot of people.
I became notorious around Harmons and 7-11
got a tan.

yeah, well thast about it. This summer I sorted out alot of things, and figured out what kind of person I want to be. I realized that I don't need to live my life simply to please others, but I also learned the high value of service. I learned to think about the consequesnces of my actions before I do something stupid. I learned how to get over my mistakes, and learn from them. I learned to let go of the past, and move on. Over all, this has been a very productive summer, but pretty much all I did was stay inside on the computer. haha. Oh well. It was great, and I wouldn't change very much if I could. I 'm ready for school to start, and I think i'm the only one that's excited for it.

well i'm out. I'll see y'all monday!


The Stomp

The stomp was tonight at T-Ville. It was way fun. I can't dance, so i just made a fool of myself.

And I think stefanie hates me. haha.

I made Ben Perschon dance to rap. It was way funny.

I'm excited for High School now.


<3 marissa fay



I decided to try and figure out my definition of what love is. Here is what I decided:

Love is when, if you had the choice, you would rather die than not be able to be with that person.

Someone I was discussing this with told me that he thought love was like a game, and you deserve a reward. I do not agree with that. I've loved someone, without being loved in return. Did I get a prize? no. I just got hurt. Love doesn't always end up beneficial for one, or both people involved. Love hurts.

Love gives you the best, and worst feelings in the whole world. When you realize that you love someone more than life itself, you can't be happier. Especially when they love you back. But if they stop, and you can't, its the worst pain. I've never hurt worse. Love is very tricky, but if it works out, it is definitly worth is.

Ok, thats enough for deep blogs for a long time. I'll just blog on lighter subjects from now on.