
Fay's Findings.


ug, I'm a terrible person.

oh man oh man. I'm a terrible person.

All my friends this I hate them, and have been ignoring them, when really i've just been kindof deppressed lately...

second, and worst of all: You all know I didn't really like Piper, the dog, much. But, I really had started becoming attatched. Well my mom took her to the pound. Yeah. And I feel like its my fault because I said mean things about the dog, when I really just did it out of habit. My dad and Bert didnt like her either, but I feel like I maybe could have saved her. Ug, I've got this pit in my stomach now, and I don't know what to do. There IS nothing to do!

I'm a terrible person.


At Sat Sep 24, 02:39:00 PM 2005, Blogger riss. said...

aaw...thanks briahna.


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