
Fay's Findings.


The Past Few Weeks

The past few weeks have been interesting.

My dad got pnemonia, and was out of work for more than one consecutive day for the first time I can ever remember. Now he's in the hospital for kidney stones. I pretty much lost one of my best friends, and found out that another very close was planning on commiting suicide. I am now a "therapist" for 2 people now. I decided to do CC, even though I told myself I wouldnt. I decided to prove to myself today that I can still run 3 miles, and I can. I nearly died, but I did it. I made sophmore Vice President, and that was fun. I made friends with one of the funniest gay guys i've ever met. I officially like someone new, but I can't tell you who. I found a wayyy hot kid in my physics class. yeah, he's hot. I'm made about 6 batches of rice crispy treats, and drank more water than should be possible. Yeah, this year is going to be a changing year for me.


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